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What's My Story?

I  grew  up  dancing.

From the age of 4 until I was 18 I was a competitive Irish dancer. I loved it more than anything! In fact, for many years, I wanted to be a dance teacher. Over the course of my dance career, my friends and I experienced multiple injuries, some of which were debilitating. In time, I decided that I wanted to help active young people, like myself, continue to do the things they love by helping heal their injuries.


So off I went to college with a plan to become an Athletic Trainer working in sports medicine.


At the time, it seemed like the perfect fit! I loved the atmosphere and working with athletes seemed like an amazing job. But there was something missing...


Around the same time in my college career, I was experiencing DEBILITATING periods. No joke, I would curl up on the floor whimpering like a puppy dog because of the pain. I would nap for hours because I could not keep my eyes open no matter how much sleep I had gotten the night before. I had such terrible brain fog that I felt like a completely different person while on my period. I could barely function, let alone perform my best in school. Sadly, my litany of symptoms went on.


Sound familiar?


Needless to say, I got fed up! I began researching my symptoms and talking with health experts and found there were some major imbalances. After struggling through painful periods, hormonal irregularities, and the threat of possible infertility, we managed to fix my unhealthy cycles.


During this time of research and healing, I discovered the organization, Fertility Education and Medical Management (FEMM). I was intrigued with their research and protocol. They taught that you could chart your reproductive cycle and determine your fertility and even get an insight into your health. Turns out, your cycle is like a personal reproductive health barometer. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists even considers the menstrual cycle to be a vital sign of health. Once I got my hands on this information, I was hooked! 


So when FEMM offered a teacher certification course through my school, I knew I had to be a part of it. After taking their course, my excitement expanded once again. Now I was armed with information and I could officially teach other women!


Since then, I have continued to educate myself on fertility awareness, hormonal health, and women's reproductive health so I can be a source of knowledge for any woman who comes to me with a pocketful of period problems.


I've been where you are. I know how much it sucks to feel like your body has betrayed you. I also know it can be so much better. Periods do not have to be your personal hell and you can feel at home in your own body.


Let's geek out together over how incredible the female body really is. Find out how to listen to your body and understand what it is telling you. It has a language of its own.


Let's learn it together.  



Bits and Pieces About Me:

Meaning behind my name?

I know you were curious. It is very unusual. The name Mairead is the Irish-Gaelic version of Margaret. My mother's side of the family is Irish and she wanted to pass on her heritage in as many ways as she could. It's pronounced like "Parade", but with an M. 


Favorite pastimes?

Hiking and time outdoors, creating semi-precious jewelry, dancing (my husband and I love country swing), baking new treats, and soaking up time with inspiring people. Also, I love a good read! Really anything educational about the human body and mind, but also true stories, drama, adventure stories, and occasionally a romance. 


Favorite form of exercise?

Weight lifting. My husband got me hooked when we were in school. I love feeling stronger and more capable in my movements. Also, I love yoga when I'm stressed or tired. Currently obsessed over syncing workouts to the phases of the cycle.


Bucket list goal? 

Visit all the National Parks in the United States! I love God's creation and the National Parks were created because they are some of the most beautiful places in the U.S. Why not explore and celebrate them?!

In another life I would be...

So many things, but for one an Interior Designer. I love organizing and creating a homey, beautiful space where it's comfortable enough to relax after a long day, but welcoming enough to throw a good party! 

Certifications & Qualifications
  • FEMM Teacher Certification

  • B.A. Athletic Training 

  • ATC (BOC): Certified Athletic Trainer 

  • ITAT: ImPACT Trained Athletic Trainer

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