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  • Your Choice: Freedom From Your Physiology or Freedom To Be Your Whole Self

    When hormonal birth control (HBC) became mainstream, it was hailed as women’s ticket to an equal seat at the table, alongside men. Today, this narrative continues. We’re told over and over again, from tv and radio advertisements, to magazine articles and university health courses, that THIS is the magic pill. This is what finally bestowed “true” freedom to women. You want complete control over your fertility? Let’s get you on the pill. You dream of being in a successful leadership position? The pill is your best choice. Acne? Irregular cycles? Painful cramps? Take the pill and your struggles will be over. If not, we will just try another pharmaceutical brand. It’s the one-size-fits-all-cure-all solution, the “gold standard” in modern medicine for most women’s health-related concerns. But is it? What is the pill giving us freedom from? Our unique physiology. Why the Pill Isn’t Really Healthcare At All You see, when women are put on HBC, we are stripped of our natural cycles and hormones. Nevermind the fact that this does not actually fix the concern it was diagnosed for, nor the fact that it was never intended as a cure all. The pill is toxic, carcinogenic, and negatively influences multiple major systems in the body. And the fact that it is not as effective as women are told is just marketing at its worst. I find it ironic that a woman’s fertility and ability to bear children are seen as an inconvenience, when a healthy man is fertile 24/7. The pill places responsibility on the female required to take it. It suggests that men (who are 50% of the equation) should not be required to alter their lifestyle or change their priorities in order to plan their family. The freedom that is quietly prioritized here, is the freedom of males to avoid taking part in responsible parenthood. Why The Pill Is Oppression “Ladies! Turn off this key feature of your humanity and femininity and you’ll be free. The pill is just a little ‘off switch’ for your reproductive system! Change your very nature, and then you can fit in and be successful. Now, you’re equal. This is female empowerment!” Or... Is this a symptom of a world that doesn’t support the feminine design? These lies are not only harmful to women, they are harmful to our culture and world as a whole. This is not freedom. This is oppression. Women are inherently equal to men in value and dignity. Equal does not mean identical, nor should it. Women are meant to be embraced whole, natural cycle included. Building a New Culture of True Freedom for Women A culture that truly values women’s freedom and health would support every aspect of feminine design. It would champion women having the freedom to be the most genuine versions of their humanity. It would champion our flexibility to live in alignment with your unique physiology, at home and/or in the workplace. True feminism is creative. True feminism advocates for the unique roles of women in their homes, immediate community, and globally. That looks like respect, honor, and support regardless of whether you choose to stay in the home, have a career or a mix of both. HBC has created this mindset that women can only contribute if they are able to do so in the same manner and schedule as a man. Newsflash: we do not all have to work in the exact same style or on the same schedule in order to achieve success or our desired goals. Honestly, I believe that men and women alike could benefit from creating more flexibility in society. The 8-5 hustle culture of working until you’re dead is toxic and unhealthy. But that’s a conversation for another day… True feminism values women for who they are, without comparison to men. This builds a culture that encourages complementarity instead of competition, dignity instead of degradation, and mutual respect. Education Empowers So, what are the action steps that make this kind of culture that embraces the full feminine design in all its God-given glory possible?! Education. Education. Education. Instead of offering women the Pill, what if we taught them about their cycle? What if we treated it like a second language that would help them navigate their life with clarity and purpose? What if we encouraged and equipped our sisters, daughters, and friends with the understanding that this is a gift to steward and care for, not a burden to repress, ignore, or be ashamed by. FEMM is the Fertility Awareness Method that I teach. It is a daily practice that allows women to monitor their reproductive biomarkers in order to determine their health and fertility. It does NOT rely solely on calendars, apps, or femtech. There are many methods that fall under the umbrella of Fertility Awareness Methods, each with its own rules and efficacy rates. The charting method I use and teach in particular focuses on cervical mucus as a primary biomarker with the addition of LH to support observations. Many women choose to add BBT or progesterone testing as well as a cross-check ovulation. Don’t worry, if some of these words sound like gibberish to you, you’re not alone. And, you’re in the right place. I break all of this down into easy to understand, actionable information in my courses. I also have a lot of free resources on my Instagram page and blog, and a free intro course to get you started on the right path! Start Charting Today Educating women on the female cycle puts the power of information in our hands. We are able to evaluate the risk/benefit and analysis based on our unique health, lifestyle, and beliefs. Charting provides an understanding of the differences between men and women, both for the sake of societal roles and contributions, but also health. I believe women have a place in the workforce and leadership positions. I also believe we shouldn’t be shut out from those positions simply because we desire to be a mother and run a household. This is an “and/both” situation. Remember: Your value does NOT lie in your gender, how productive you are, how many kids you have, or don’t have, how much money you make, etc. You are valuable because God willed you into existence. You are worthy of the freedom to be your whole self, cycle and all... no off button required.

  • FAM: The New Language You Need to Learn in 2022

    Let’s talk about language. I’m half Portuguese, but my quarter Irish heritage feels like a more accurate representation of who I am. My mum and family passed on the rich traditions to all of us and it is a heritage that is written all over my life’s trajectory. A few examples: I did competitive Irish dance for 15 years and performed all over the country. I drank tea with my breakfast and lunch and afternoon snacks. “A heap of sugar and a generous splash of milk, please!” Scones were a weekly treat, accompanied by more tea, of course! My first name (Mairead) is Gaelic for Margaret. I’ve spent so many magical moments in Co. Kerry, Ireland that it feels like a second home to me. (That header picture is from my most recent trip during a walk on the lovely grounds of Muckross House!) I think you get the idea. I’m a lassie through and through. The one thing that didn’t get passed on from either side though, was language. My grandparents on my dad’s side spoke Portuguese & my granddad on my mom’s side spoke Gaelic. My mom also knows shorthand, but never taught us. Now, what does all of this chit chat about tea with sugar, Irish dancing, and language have to do with this blog, you ask? In Order to Understand, We Must First Communicate Well, I’m passionate about understanding how things work. And communication is a critical part of that process. And the language used for that communication plays the lead role. I may not be fluent in Gaelic, but I was immersed in the traditions of my heritage. This gave me a deep appreciation and love for the culture, which equipped me with a strong sense of identity and understanding of who I am and where I come from. What if we passed down the knowledge of our womanly bodies with the same tenacity and pride we pass down our cultural and family traditions? What if we taught body literacy like a second language? One we strived to be fluent in? I want FAM to become a universal language spoken by all women. And I truly believe it is never, ever too late to learn anything. So, let’s dive in. Think of Fertility Awareness as a Language FAM stands for the Fertility Awareness Method, defined by ACOG as “knowing and recognizing when the fertile time (when a woman can get pregnant) occurs in the menstrual cycle.” I know that hearing the words just “knowing and recognizing” something as complex and carefully designed as your unique biomarkers and cycle can feel overwhelming. Or, a little bit like a language you don’t understand. This is why body literacy is important! Imagine how you feel going to a foreign country where you don’t understand the language, the traffic signs, or even the coffee shop menus. You might stumble through poorly pronounced words read out of a guide book. You might go the wrong way and narrowly avoid an accident. You might order something that you’d never consider appetizing had you known what it was. This is what it’s like living in today’s world as a body illiterate female. You don’t speak the language, don’t understand the posted signs, and don’t know what you’d like to order! Seems like a bit of a nightmare. But it doesn’t have to be. Why You Should Master the FAM Language When you think of mastering FAM like learning a new language, this big task of understanding your complex, unique biomarkers and cycle suddenly has tangible action steps. When you take these small steps, you’ll discover breakthroughs in your overall health and confidence navigating your life. Now, when you visit that foreign country you DO understand everything. You’re on a wild adventure where you’re the captain of your own ship. The language barrier broken down means you can understand what’s being said. The clear signs posted mean you know where you’re going. And ordering the right coffee or extra sugar with your tea? That’s the icing on the cake, baby! I believe that every female has a right to know and understand her body’s language, read her cycle signs, & order the right dang health choices off the menu of life! Let’s make FAM a universal language. It starts with charting, learning your body, and sharing the wealth with friends. Ready to become fluent?

  • Finding the Right Fertility Awareness Method for Your Unique Goals

    “Yes. No. Yes no, yes. No, yes!!!” Does choosing the right fertility awareness method (FAM) feel as impossible as finding the perfect pair of jeans? Don’t fret, I’m going to give you a framework to help you find the method that will fit you just right. The hardest thing about beginning a charting journey is knowing where to start. But what I’ve learned is that it really comes down to answering a few key questions. The answers about your unique life, goals, and health will help you find your perfect fit. Important Questions to Consider When Choosing a Fertility Awareness Method What are the main biomarkers of the protocol and how are they tracked? Cycle biomarkers are the specific signs your body gives you based on the different hormone levels of the cycle: cervical mucus, temperature, hormone metabolites. Each protocol relies on these biomarkers to determine what your unique cycle says about your fertility. The types of biomarkers prioritized vary by method. Are you going to be put off by tracking cervical mucus closely, potentially touching it? Do you want to incorporate a lot of cross checks to determine your fertile window and confirm ovulation? Do you want a method that tests hormones via urine so you can be your own lab rat? How much of an investment (time and money) is the protocol, from learning to implementing daily? If it’s not right for your clock or wallet, it’s not right for you. Some methods take many classes and follow ups with an instructor to learn. Others only a few. There are still others with self-paced options that you can learn on your own, but you’ll have no support from an instructor. What are your goals in learning FAM? Do you want to chart for health or natural family planning? Maybe it’s both, so you want a method with a medical management protocol. Are you trying to seriously avoid pregnancy? What stage of life are you in: postpartum, adolescence, pre-menopausal? Are you single or in a relationship? I believe EVERY cycling woman, regardless of her age, should be charting. But depending on your current relationship status, you might be drawn to one method versus another. Again, it comes back around to whether you are charting for health and body literacy versus family planning. Where do you find a certified instructor? Word of mouth, Google, FAM or NFP Facebook Groups (often have instructors listed in files), FAM instructor on Instagram, Catholic Churches, and method websites are all great resources. Discerning Which FAM Is Right For You FEMM, Creighton, SymptoThermal, Billings, Marquette, Boston Cross Check are some of the most popular FAMs. Fertility awareness methods cover a set of rules to monitor your cycle biomarkers and determine your fertility status every day. FAMs are based on rigorous scientific research. Most FAMs incorporate cervical mucus as the primary biomarker of fertility. Others include hormone monitoring, temperature checks, or cervical position. Regardless of the protocol's rules, the goal is the same: to determine YOUR daily hormonal activity and thereby your fertility. Remember, you aren't fertile 24/7 and can’t spontaneously ovulate! Once you find a method that helps you achieve your goal, you are able to monitor your health, plan a family, & cycle sync your life. Considering the questions I outlined above in relation to each protocol’s requirements will take a little bit of time and research, but are worth the upfront investment. A key piece of success across the board is consistency, so you’ll want to make sure the method you choose is the one that fits your unique rhythm of life. It should be as reliable and versatile as your favorite pair of jeans. This is also where the advice of an experienced instructor can be invaluable. Do You Need an Instructor? How does an instructor fit into this picture? Can't you read a book or blogs on the method you want to learn? Well, you could and I support self-teaching... But let me paint a picture of what might follow: Months of confusion as you try and interpret your unique biomarkers. Heartbreak as you try to conceive and find you’re unable to. Shock as you DO conceive, but were SURE you were following the protocol to avoid pregnancy. Concern as you look over cycle patterns and are unable to decode if you’re ovulating with normal cycle patterns.⠀ Dismissal from a provider with, "That's part of being a woman" as you explain that the symptoms you're experiencing are affecting your life. ⠀ Comments from friends & family who say, "That's the rhythm method and you'll be pregnant soon."⠀ Irregular cycles and symptoms post birth control that make you want to get right back on it.⠀ When you work with a FAM instructor, your reality becomes easier to navigate. You are able to feel empowered and equipped to face these scenarios and discern the next best steps. A trained FAM instructor will: Guide you through learning a FAM from start to finish. Review your charts. Help you reach health and family planning goals. Support you as you seek medical care. Teach you to understand your cycles, whether they're regular or not. Transition you through challenging cycles: puberty, postpartum, breastfeeding, premenopause, post hormonal birth control. A Free Intro Course Is the Best First Step Fertility awareness instructors are often certified in one or more fertility awareness methods. Some offer free intros as part of their services (I do!), so don’t be afraid to ask. They may also be able to help you discern whether their method is right for you or if you may be better off connecting with a colleague of theirs who is trained in another charting method. The main takeaway? Choosing the right FAM for your unique cycle and goals is a process. It may take some trial and error. But the sooner you connect with a professional, the sooner you’ll be able to find the FAM that fits you like your dream pair of jeans. My free intro course is a great first step to take to determine whether the FEMM approach is right for you.

  • Charting Your Cycle: Why It's the Daily Health Check You Need

    It’s been a while since I shared my thoughts on the blog. But as I’m approaching the new year, I’ve been channeling my energy into some big goals! This time of reflection gave me a good boost of motivation to start publishing more of my content here. I’m very active over on Instagram, but as with all platforms, change is constant and I am finding renewed appreciation for the authority I have on my website. Now more than ever, it is important for information pertaining to health and body literacy to be shared freely. And fertility awareness is an essential piece of this knowledge for women My mission as a certified FEMM instructor is to: Help you understand your cycle and your body. Advocate for informed consent. Unlock the root cause approach to healing.. I truly believe that fertility awareness will change women’s healthcare as we know it. It’s Time To Stop Settling How many women do you know, perhaps yourself included, who go to a doctor completely blind to their body and their health? And they come out with little to no more information than they walked in with.⠀ They don’t understand what they’re experiencing versus what’s normal. ⠀ ⠀ They aren’t told all of their options based on their diagnosis. ⠀ Many are treated through symptom management instead of with a root cause protocol. ⠀ ⠀ What’s even worse, many women feel coerced into a prescription or treatment plan because they “can’t understand the details.” Let me give you an example. You experience wicked migraines every month around ovulation. Your doctor tells you to take pain killers. The migraines go away. You've fixed the symptoms, but not the diagnosis. In fact, you still don't know why the symptoms are there in the first place. You've certainly not solved the problem at the source! And you likely weren’t given informed consent. Now, this isn’t because the doctor or your healthcare provider didn’t care about you. The more likely reason for this is that both of you were operating from limited information. So, what’s the solution? ⠀⠀ It’s Time To Start Digging According to the W.H.O., informed consent is "a voluntary, well-considered decision that an individual makes on the basis of options, information, and understanding." ⠀ ⠀ Here in the health space we talk alot about informed consent. Why is it such an important part of the conversation? ⠀ ⠀ Because you cannot make a well-considered decision about your health without full understanding of your condition, your options to treat it, the pros and cons to all those options, and the ability to voluntarily choose what to do. ⠀ Now, it won’t happen overnight, but with some intentional time and good resources, you will be able to make a well-considered decision. And charting to understand your cycle health is one of the best first steps you can take. My free intro course is a great place to start! Charting gives you an accurate representation of what's going on in your body. I like to think of charting like a daily health check. Let’s break it down. Your Chart Is Your Daily Health Check Healthy cycles have parameters. Not the “28 day cycle, ovulate on day 14” parameters that the textbooks quote. Yes, women certainly experience those textbook cycles, but the reality is that cycles are varied and unique in each woman. How do you know if your cycle is normal or not? Chart with a fertility awareness method like FEMM, NOT a predictive app, NOT a period tracker app. Learn the biomarkers of the cycle so you can understand: cycle phases, ovulation, hormonal imbalances, fertility, PMS, etc. Once you understand normal, you can gauge your cycle and use it as a tool to monitor your health. Not experiencing a healthy ovulatory cycle? You now have the evidence you need to bring your concerns to a healthcare professional. Charting Helps You Find the Care You Deserve So, let’s revisit that example I outlined in the beginning… But instead of going in blind, you now have an understanding of a normal cycle and are armed with your unique charts that offer information on where you might be struggling. You have definitive proof that something is off and it’s not just “in your head.” Your doctor now has more information at hand to help you. They are better equipped to address cycle-related concerns by reading your charts and listening to your concerns. Your doctor is able to identify that you have excess estrogen that is causing your migraines. Now, instead of offering you painkillers, your doctor helps you seek the specific treatment you need to restore optimal hormone levels. The result? Your hormones are working as they were designed to and you are migraine-free! Start Learning Today A healthy cycle impacts more than reproduction or relationships. The hormones your body produces throughout the cycle influence your brain tissue and function, energy, moods, bone density, weight, metabolism, sleep habits… the list goes on! Understanding your cycle is NOT just for those trying to conceive. It is for every woman. YOU are the one living in your body with your symptoms and unique concerns. You have the power to be equipped and knowledgeable. You have the power to find the care you deserve. You have the power to choose the treatment options that are best for your condition. ⠀ Ready to take the next step? Sign up for my free intro course where you'll learn the basics of charting your cycle!

  • FEMM, FAM, & NFP... Who, What, Why?

    You're already confused about Fertility Awareness vs. Natural Family Planning and now FEMM is a new acronym you've got to learn!? What in the.... Welcome, friend. You've come to the right place for an explanation. So maybe you're new to the whole fertility awareness movement, or maybe it's old hat. Either way, you're not sure what the difference is between fertility awareness (based) methods (FAM/FABM) and natural family planning (NFP). Not to mention having no clue about FEMM! Let me explain... Fertility Awareness (Based) Methods “Your menstrual cycle is not something that should be shrouded in mystery.” Toni Weschler #FAM or #FABM is simply a blanket term for natural methods of birth control that utilize a woman's normal cycle patterns to determine fertile and infertile times of the month. Underneath that blanket term fall many methods, some more complicated than others. The most basic methods of FAM simply use #cervicalmucus to determine fertility. Others include the tracking of #BBT (basal body temperature), while still others use #OPKs (specific, timed hormone testing) via urine as well. Yes, it can make you feel like you're at a high school science fair... but that's not the point. The point is all these methods have different protocols that must be followed in order for them to be their most effective. Natural Family Planning #NFP is yet another blanket term that covers a variety of methods, all with different protocols and rules to be followed. Many people associate NFP with the Catholic faith. One of the reasons is because the Catholic Church does not condone the use of artificial birth control (including, but not limited to, barrier methods, hormonal birth control, and withdrawal). Those that use the term NFP often presuppose that you use abstinence during the fertile window if you wish to avoid creating a cute little bundle of joy that pees and pukes and changes your world forever. The effectiveness rates of NFP methods are based on the rules that promote this abstinence. Incidentally, those same effectiveness rates and rules apply to FAM as well. The term FAM is just more often used in the secular world whereas the term NFP is more often heard around religious folk. Just remember, when you deviate from using abstinence during the fertile window and instead turn to other methods of birth control (barrier methods, withdrawal, etc), you are no longer relying on the effectiveness of FAM/NFP for avoiding a pregnancy (should that be your goal). You are, instead, relying on the effectiveness of whatever form of birth control you choose to use during that fertile time. Finally, what on earth is FEMM? “Fertility Education and Medical Management” #FEMM is a comprehensive women's health program that promotes the dignity of all women by educating them on their #reproductivehealth so they can make informed healthcare decisions. After all, how can you be an advocate and a lead player in your healthcare journey, if you don't know what the heck your body is meant to do, let alone when something's going wrong? FEMM has their own protocol and set of rules to use as FAM/NFP. They rely primarily on cervical mucus checks and LH testing during the fertile window to determine a woman's fertility and Peak Day (the day of assumed ovulation). It's an incredibly easy protocol to learn and implement in your daily life! FEMM also does research, trains teachers and doctors, and provides testing and treatment based on their protocols. Not only that, but they have a beautiful app that stores all of your data and even reminds you to enter your observations at the end of every day! By charting with FEMM, you can determine if you have a normal, healthy cycle; find your fertile window and day of ovulation; and fully understand the hormonal rollercoaster that is your menstrual cycle. So what are you waiting for?! Don't waste another minute wondering if your cycle is something that will forever scare the bejeezus out of you! Sign up to take a class and figure out your own cyclical patterns. Work with the incredible body you've been given, not against it!

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